My Work Experience at Toyday By Miriam

My name is Miriam, I’m 17 years old and I’m Italian.

For two weeks I’m having my first work experience at Toyday.

The shop is very nice: The people are polite and friendly in the shop.

During the day I do some jobs: I work with a computer and I print orders that the customers place, I serve the customers and I put stamps on the letters that are used to ship the goods to the customers.

Some days I tidy the shop, I put the goods on shelves and I put the price on the goods. One day I made an inventory.

In Toyday you can find traditional and classic toy but if you are a collector of small traditional toys, in Toyday you can find a large choice of toys.

I was astonished when on the first day I discovered that in the shop there are toys for every age and for every type of child, and there is a large choice of toys.

I think I’m very lucky to work at Toyday and I’m very happy to have my first work experience in this shop because I think that I’m learning the main things for working in a shop and improve my English. I would like to thank the customer and the staff of the shop that help me with kindness when I need something or I don’t understand the English language.


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