Did Your Children Get Everything They Asked Santa For?

Well that's it Christmas is over (at least for another 348 days)! The decorations are all packed away and the festive food all munched. A huge amount of presents were opened and have all found somewhere to live in our houses but did your child get everything they asked Santa for?

We put out a mince pie and glass of milk for Santa and an apple for his reindeer. Blake and Oakley put there sacks by the fire with a note from Blake before snuggling down to sleep ready to be up at the crack of dawn the next day.

I know for a fact Blake didn't get everything on his list nor was he ever likely too when his list included a pet robin (yes, the bird), a pet goldfish, an Xbox and 30 chocolate bars. Despite writing to Father Christmas to ask for these things when I asked him what he wanted he just said that he'd be happy what ever Santa brings as he always brings great things. I think he ate his body weight in sweet things so he was a very happy boy!

He says the favourite things he had were his ipad case and his sock monkey which Daddy helped him make.


What was on your children's Christmas lists and did they get it all? Here's hoping it was a good one and a Happy New Year to you all!


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