Fun Facts About Famous Toys!

 Fun Facts About The Toys We All Know And Love-

 Ever think about the toys you used to play with as a child and wonder how they came about? Who invented them? How were they created? Well here's a few facts about the best selling toys in the past 100 years:

1- The game 'Twister', that uses all your limbs and body parts to win the game, was originally called 'Pretzel'
2- Mr Potato Head was the first ever toy to be advertised on TV.
3- An African lady. Leslie Scott, created the game 'jenga' which means 'to build'.
4-The slinky toy was created from an incident when Richard James (the inventor) dropped a torsion spring and it tumbled end-over-end across the room. He then decided to make it a fun toy!
5- Silly Putty was discovered by a scientist trying to find a rubber substitute during World War II, when rubber was in very short supply.
6- Barbara Millicent Roberts is the full name of the original Barbie Doll. The Barbie Doll was modeled after a female cartoon character named Bild Lilli.
7- The Frisbee was created when a group of students began throwing empty pie tins from the Frisbee Baking Company of Bridgeport, Connecticut.
8- The Teddy Bear was named after President Roosevelt after he came back from a large bear hunt with a wounded bear cub.
9- Play-doh was originally used as wallpaper cleaner.
10- Rubik's Cube has 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 color configurations and only one solution.
11- According to Forbes Magazine, one out of three homes owns a Scrabble Board.
12- Crayola Crayons have been on the market for over a hundred years.

We even sell some of these wonderful toys on our website! Just follow the links-


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